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reboot Lavida

Today do we choose what we LOVE to eat or what our body NEEDS to eat? The answer is always - LOVE to Eat! When that happens, it may not be what our body really NEEDs. So where does all the “rubbish” being dump into? Our Colon! 

  • Our Colon is a 7.5meter long journey, a lot of the “rubbish” are accumulated along the “wrinkled” pocket of the colon.

  • Have you been drinking lots of water as your daily routine to flush out all the "rubbish" colon toxin in your gut?

  • Have you been having 1 kg of fruits and vegetables in 5 different colors in your daily eating habits?

  • If you haven't and you are having a big stomach , a waistline that won't go down, a "snoopy tummy" that is always hanging out, You are constipated and its time to cleanse out your colon toxin and lighten your gut for a healthier better looking you. Reboot Lavida with Reboot Puro will kickstart your road to restoring wellness.

  • Reboot Lavida user Dung

    ''I have been using reboot Lavida since I met my friend at my work place. Due to my work, sometimes customers stay until very late or when a lot of customers running up and down serving them stress on my leg as well my health due to the drinks. A few times after I take reboot Lavida, i can recover much faster compare to when i don't have it, and no hangover. reboot Lavida is really good for recharging for anyone who work late.

    L. Dung . Bing Duong

    reboot Lavida user philippines

    ''In Manila, our diet consist of a lot of rice and fried chicken, beer and pizza, pastas and bread. Most majority are big and getting bigger. some of our friends kids are even obese at a very young age. with reboot Lavida and combine with reboot Puro, I am able to kick start and get younger and healthier and losing 3-5kg along the way within one week. The whole process is good and energetic as i can see the daily fat % dropping among other unwanted toxin removing out from my body.

    Ann M. Philippines

    reboot Lavida Nguyen

    ''I have been taking the same formulation since the previous packaging to the current packaging. reboot Lavida has been in my family's daily supplement and for my son since he was 1 and half years old until now.  A powerful source of nutrient for our cells since we never have a chance to really take from our daily diet. With reboot Lavida providing what our body needs so that we can take what we like to eat.  

    J. Tran . HCMC

    reboot puro